Billy Broussard, in defending Gov. Landry: “Voters didn’t approve Senate confirmation of LSPC members 72-28 for nothing;” states he lacked all facts when reappointing Riecke to State Police Commission.

Louisiana State Senator Patrick McMath, along with his contact information.

Well, as has always been the case in the history of this blog, whenever Louisiana State Police Commission (LSPC) Member Jared Caruso-Riecke has the starring role of a feature, our hits and Facebook shares absolutely skyrocket!

Such has once again been the case in our most-recent feature on him, which has garnered several thousand hits and is closing in on 1,000 Facebook shares.  Furthermore, those hits continue unabated even as we prepare to publish this feature!

We want to thank the dedicated followers and visitors to our blog from St. Tammany Parish for their strong interest in the LSPC, last year’s District Attorney race, and now this latest episode entailing the reappointment of Riecke to the LSPC.

By our own admission, that last feature was a direct slam of Gov. Jeff Landry, and we would note some pretty damning comments at the end of the feature that certainly are not very flattering of Gov. Landry.

One comment, however, is an exception, and that is the comment of Billy Broussard, who is steadfastly defending Landry on this matter albeit not for Landry’s selection of Riecke but rather Broussard’s belief that Landry was not fully apprised of all of the facts surrounding Riecke.  Here’s Broussard’s comment from the last feature:


I have never met a more honest man in Louisiana State Government than Kevin Davis!!

I refuse to believe the Governor was made aware of all the details of this matter.

It is no secret that Kevin Davis is not afraid to call it what it is, no matter who’s involved in the fraud waste and abuse or fabrication of evidence by….!!!!

Governor Jeff Landry and/or President Trump (DOGE) Elon Musk need good men like Kevin Davis on their team!!

Broussard called us and asked if he could be the guest for a Sound Off Louisiana feature on this whole ordeal, and we told him, as we always do, that the door is always wide open for him to “Sound Off” (which is kind of why we named the blog what we did) on any Louisiana governmental issue.

Broussard was very direct and to-the-point entailing the Riecke matter and the fact that Riecke must now be confirmed by the Louisiana Senate.  Here’s what he had to say:

2/24/25:  Broussard defends Gov. Landry in saying there is “no way” he was fully apprised of the details entailing Riecke before reappointing to him to the LSPC.

As stated on the video above, we indicated we’d again reproduce the contact information for Riecke’s State Senator, who is State Sen. Partick McMath of Senate District 11, because he alone now holds the key entailing whether Riecke is confirmed by the Louisiana Senate.  Here’s a repeat of that contact information, which is also included as one of the lead photos of this feature and is also incorporated into the video screen on several occasions on the above video:

5 thoughts on “Billy Broussard, in defending Gov. Landry: “Voters didn’t approve Senate confirmation of LSPC members 72-28 for nothing;” states he lacked all facts when reappointing Riecke to State Police Commission.”

  1. Kevin Davis allegedly couldn’t get a security clearance when he was at GOHSEP. He also was implicated in “Ice Gate” where he directed people to store truckloads of ice in a non-refrigerated warehouse after one of the storms. The LA OIG did a full investigation, but AG Landry declined prosecution. He is a nice guy, but that’s an issue.

    1. Thank you so much for your insight, Mr. King.

      I’d like to extend an invitation to you. If you would be so inclined, how about you and I sit down for a one-on-one Sound Off feature on the subject of Stephen Street? I would absolutely relish such an opportunity! You game?

        1. You’re quite welcome and, as per my email to you sent at 5:45 p.m., looking forward to us getting it all lined up for sometime the week of March 10-14!

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